Wednesday, September 29, 2010

  1. Try new things, pick the wild choice. Do this when it comes to classes especially. What the hell, take Anatomy or Step Aerobics or Art History. Take that random Psychology class that sounds interesting. You never know what may spark your interest.
  2. Develop goals, short-term and long-term and stick to them. They give you focus.
  3. Proofread proofread proofread. Professors aren't going to let grammar slide anymore.
  4. Be organized. Mom's not going to find that report. It's on your back.
  5. If you're confused head to the professor's office hours. That's what they're there for.
  6. Use the library. There's more books than you'll know what to do with. You'll find your answer there, I promise.
  7. GO TO CLASS. no excuses.
  8. Learn to speed-read. It'll save you a lot of sleepless nights.
  9. Make friends with your teaching assistants. You never know when that will come in handy.
  10. Stay close with your RA. They will be there for you as a friend and will help solve any problems you have. They're a great sounding board.

Friday, September 24, 2010

  1. It's the cheapest/most expensive: The price of a school doesn't reflect on what kind of place it will be. There are public schools in your state that give reduced instate tuition that provide high quality education. However, don't automatically assume you have to go to the cheapest schools. Even in these hard economic times most schools give out scholarships to help supplement your tuition.
  2. I know I'll get in: While the comfort of a safety school, one where you're basically a shoe-in, is a nice feeling, don't cross off your dream schools. Most schools are flexible about their admission criteria and you can often boost an average GPA or test scores with strong extracurriculars and essays.
  3. My boyfriend/girlfriend goes there: It's a lovely romantic notion but what happens if you break up? Then you're stuck there. And, even if you're relationship is strong, having your boyfriend or girlfriend around all the time is a hamper on your ability to really branch out and make your own friends.
  4. They're ranked #1 on US News or Princeton Review: These reviews are all well and good but they probably don't mean much to you . They really take into account things like class size, student-faculty ration, classes taught by TA's. So take a look at them but don't swear by them.
  5. But, it's a good party school! Active campus life is important. It's nice to have a variety of options when it comes to socializing. However, if a school is known as a "party school" you may not be ready for what that really means. And, if you're a big partier, it may become more distracting than it's worth.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

1. You'll want to sleep through your first class, no matter how late you schedule it. 11:30pm Spanish...but my pillow's so cozy.
2. Having Cheetos and Diet Coke for dinner gets old faster than you may imagine.
3. Not every guy is drop dead gorgeous, spouting Plato and President of his kickass frat and not every girl is in a sorority, with a high ponytail, desperate to tutor you in Anatomy.
4. You can go out on a school one's stopping you.
5. Being homesick is natural. Even the more independent looking kid on your hall is pining home for Mom behind closed doors.
6. You can study really hard and still fail the test.
7. You can get along with any roommate...if you try hard enough.
8. No one really cares if you were editor of the newspaper or vice-president of your senior class.
9. Friendships come from anywhere...don't just rely on your dorm.
10. You can feel lonely even if you're surrounded by people.