1. Keep track of when your classes are. Try to give yourself a logical schedule. Make sure you schedule in lunch!
  2. Don't wait too long in between classes that require you to remember things from class to class, like Spanish or French. If you wait a year in between you'll be liable to forget quite a bit.
  3. Go for a variety. If you have 4 reading-intensive or lecture-intensive classes you'll get burnt out.
  4. Expand your horizons. If you're a bio major try that psychology class or that journalism class. Keep an open mind.
  5. Vet the professors. Ask around. Make sure they'll suit your personality.
  6. Get the prerequisites and general education classes out of the way. Keep track of basic requirements and stay on top of them.
  7. If a class is full, email the professor and see if they can put you on a waiting list.